res·o·lu·tion /ˌrezəˈlo͞oSH(ə)n/

 t's that time of year again. That time when set out our stalls with the wish to improve aspects of our lives in the coming 12 months and onwards.

Do they work? For some they do. Twenty years ago I resolved to improve my fitness, and 25 marathons, four century bike rides, an ultamarathon, plenty of triathlons (up to half ironman distance), and more 5K's 10K's and half marathons than you can shake a stick at. I'm still at it. It worked for me.

2023 was a particularly productive year for me in the micro model railway world. Not that you would know it you only read this blog. The Micro Model Railway Dispatch carries on with a global circulation of 4-5,000 readers. But rarely gets talked about here. I built a particularly excellent layout in 16mm scale. But it never got a mention here. The US Outline layout previously blogged about hasn't been talked about here in a while. 

You do read The Dispatch, don't you?
My rather good 16mm scale layout

Are you sensing a trend? 

This is the blog that was my original micro layout blog. This should be the centre of my blogosphere. So for 2024, that is what will happen. I'm going to use this blog again. It will get more use. 
As I have blogs going for layout projects, they will still be used. but it will all be linked to from here. There will be more micro layout thoughts here. I'll certainly mention The Dispatch here more. 
I had some fun putting together short videos in 2023. I have plans for a few more in 2024. They'll be found here. 

That's the plan. That's my resolution. Can I stick to it?
