My model railway year in review.

As the year draws to a close. I thought I'd take a look back at the layouts and projects I've worked on over the last 12 months. Most of it has been pretty successful, and some was most definitely frustrating. But I've learned from everything I've done, and that's the most important thing. Here then, is a selection of pictures of the projects and layouts that I have worked on.

I began the year by finishing off my 2022 Micro Model Railroad Cartel Christmas Challenge layout in 16mm scale. I'd had an inspirational block that stopped me completing the layout for the challenge deadline. But once the pressure was off, I had an idea that enabled me to finish it. Overall I was pretty pleased with the appearance, and it filled me with a lot of confidence to carry on working in the scale.

From the sublime to the ridiculous. After working in a huge scale like sixteen millimetre. I worked on recreating a long gone railway line that I have been fascinated with since childhood. The Alford and Sutton Tramway, in TTe. That uses 6.5mm gauge Z scale track and Busch H0f mechanisms in TT scale (1:120) to represent a 2’6” gauge prototype. I built models of two of the three tram locos, a four wheel coach, and a random selection of wagons. This was all very testing work that pushed my abilities to the limits. It opened my eyes to what I am capable of doing, no matter what the scale is. Maybe I'll return to this scale and project in the future.

After that, I started work on the first version of my Plymouth Industrial Park in O concept. This was fraught with problems at the start. The warping of the wall of the large warehouse structure caused me to scrap it once, and I very nearly gave up on it. However, I persevered and rebuilt it, and I now have a structure fit to use as the backdrop.

Next, I returned to 16mm scale as a pick-me-up. To be honest, my confidence had been somewhat destroyed by my O scale structure problems. I needed a new project, and while the glue on the second version of the O scale building was properly drying. I found myself inspired by a picture in the Narrow Gauge and Industrial Railway Modelling Review of a sand quarry loading point, and I started to build Bontofts Sand. The inspiration was so great that the whole project came together at great speed. It was great to be so inspired that all the construction and problem solving involved was a pleasure. Once again, I found myself rethinking what I was capable of. That layout is probably the highest standards that I have built to, and I’m pretty amazed at what I’ve done. The layout has been to a couple of shows and has been quite well received. It will be out on the road again next year.

I really was on quite the high after this, and needed to try something new. I felt ready to get back into 7/8ths inch to the foot modelling. I have a concept for a minimum gauge line transporting materials and product around a small iron and steel foundry. I’ve done quite a bit of research for it. Even though I had some success creating model tools for the workshop, I’m still not happy. This is a very big scale and I’m still not entirely familiar with what can and can’t be done with it. So that’s on a little bit of a back burner right now as I try to get a feel for the size and mass of the items.

With that we are back at Plymouth Industrial Park in O scale. With a new twist on the first concept that has me quite excited to get working on in the new year.

On reflection, that’s a lot of work. I pushed myself in new directions many times, and I think I'm a better modeller for it. I hope I can keep it up in 2024. 

By the way… I lost these track spikes in September/October time and I still can’t find them…

Happy New Year Everyone!

