Cartel Challenge Sketchbook (2)

My second idea for the Challenge centred on the more industrial. I think heavier industries are a good subject for micro layouts. With big pipes, ductwork, silos and heaven only knows what, in a cramped location, they can look immensely busy and exciting. Said pipes and things can act as view blocks to obstruct the scene and make it seem bigger than it is. Though it is better to know what's going on in your industry so the pipes and things can look more convincing. It can also be fun to just throw the items onto the scene as suits your concept.

1. Just throwing a few ideas onto the board here. A loading hopper. Loading what? I've no idea. There would still probably be a tipper feature in front too. There's lots of ways to navigate your viewpoint around the small layout. you start by viewing the loading hopper. With a tipper infront of that. The two items would be totally unrelated. Distinguished by being different colours or being shouted by different locomotives, for example. Moving around the layout your view of the loading dock would be obstructed by a fence. Looking around the fence you could then see trains come in and out of the industry with wagons for the loading hopper and the tipper.
The curved loading dock was inspired by pictures of the Thakeham Tiles Railway as seen in the shot below. Whether the industry on the layout would be a tilery or not would remain to be seen. But a curved loading dock loaded with product or raw materials would be an interesting feature.

2. Not much different here other than I threw some honking big pipework on there to obstruct the view. (the fence at the front would still be there I just removed it for clarity). I like big pipes. In 16mm scale these would be big pipes. As everything would be. I'm not sure if the structures that would form the backdrop might not be too tall for such a limited space. Mock ups may be needed here. I like the idea of navigating my viewpoint around the layout, having your view obstructed by girders, fences and pipes and the like.
