Duluth Steam

I think I have mentioned before my desire to build a model railroad layout based on scenes in Duluth, MN and here is a scene I keep coming back to again and again.
The Steam heating plant.
I clearly remember seeing the steam plant for the first time back in 1998 on my honeymoon. I was immediately captivated by it. The whole scene just fitted together perfectly. A scene break at one end in the form of the road overbridge, the grand architecture of the plant building and the magnificent harbour bridge in the background. I do love the location. I think I came up with my first idea in 2003 and here's my latest sketch of the idea.
The size of the layout would be about 5' x 18". Its a pretty close representation of the real thing. Most of the elements of the location are there. The overbridge, the main building with the corrugated siding annex, the road under the road overbridge (which is approximately mile 26 of the famous Grandmas Marathon which I've run twice and will be doing so again in June this year). You could even get the harbour bridge and the William A Irvin on the backscene.
I just showed the sketch to the wife who said.
"I wondered when you'd get around to building a model based on Duluth"
I guess I have approval...
