underground layout pictures

In the previous post I stated that I had started to build the underground armaments store layout. Here to prove it are the pictures.
Above: This is an overall view. (note the sketch for another small layout pinned on the wall)
Above: This close up shows the incline end of the layout and a close up of the rolling stock that I've started. The office in the centre there is planned to have a detailed interior.
Above: The right hand end of the layout, the straight line is a dummy the track curves though a blast door to exit the scene.
Above: The other exit offstage, along a corridor and another exit through a blast door.

This layout has lain in this incomplete state for a good three years, maybe more. So why haven't I carried on with it? It's very close to finished. The track works and most of the scenery is done. What happened to kill the momentum and enthusiasm?
There's a couple of reasons. One is the construction of the working incline. I made several attempts at getting that to work but as yet I've failed every time. The other problem is just a question of hard work. Do you know how hard it is to convert the Bachmann Vee tippers?
I'll tell you how hard.
Bloody hard.
Not difficult. All you have to do is strip them down and shorten the chassis and make a new deck.
Strip them down, easy peasey.
Make a new deck, a doddle.
Shorten the chassis. A lot of hard work. The chassis is die cast metal and cutting the 4mm out of there to even the chassis out takes a long time. To date, I've only done one, and I blunted a razor saw blade doing it. I've got 5 more of them to do. I might try doing one with the circular saw blade on my Dremel to see if that's any easier. Perhaps I'll only do three, have them modelled as unbraked and leave three of them handbraked.
I really like the concept. So I really should do it justice and finish it, shouldn't I?


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