Pages from my sketchbook

Plans? As you can guess I've got loads of them. Though not so much plans, more schemes. I have so many of them that so few get translated to actual plans. I'll present some of these periodically in the hope that it might inspire a few of you to look at things in a different way.
This one is inspired by some photographs I saw of the narrow gauge railways used to maintain the river banks and flood defences in my home county of Lincolnshire. The Lincolnshire coast is flat and prone to flooding so sea banks have been built in places to halt the inundation of the sea.
The scene on the model is that of a maintenance depot where materials are unloaded and then moved along the riverbank to the maintenance site by a narrow gauge railway.
Why did I design it around a circular baseboard? Because I was fed up with square ones. That's why. I'll often try different baseboard shapes just to think outside the box. and perhaps stimulate a different train of thought. A circular baseboard means that the scene can be viewed from all sides, opening up lots of different angles.
Size and scale? Thats up to whoever decides to build it but I think that it will fit in a 4' circle in 009. Perhaps even a bit smaller.
